Coldplay & Blogsphere 
Friday, 06 .January, 2006, 01:39 - English Entries, Music, Online/Blogs, Thoughts
I wanted to write something else here, but now FM4 plays Coldplay and they were announced as if they were something special. Ok, I give them another chance - for one song. They sing bla bla - blaaaaa (high voice) - take her picture - guitar naging - bla bla to the sun - oh blaaa - pseudo drums try to create something that sounds like rock - guitar interrupts this attempt that anyhow was doomed to fail - somebody treats another guitar really wild, in the view of a 3 year old child with hypersensitive ears that just got its ear plugs removed after 12 month in silece. Oh yeah. Really really cool.

Man, now the song is over - sorry for vomiting my thoughts about this great and famous band into the Blogsphere. Another great word: Blogsphere! must have been invented by a creative mind, maybe by the coldplay singer during a ballad. Blogsphere - that sounds like something that is itching at the wrong place and that something has not been satisfied for too long a time and so the owner got into esoteric books. These close-to-enlightment computer journalists, that never saw a line of programming code and cannot distinguish a router from a gateway, they want to make it all sound great because they do understand nothing. But when you have to earn your money by writing books about something you do not understand, then you write fuck. And because fuck would be too obvious, they write Blogsphere.

I'm in a good mood today. The world sucks and it is so obvious, that nothing needs to be denied. Cheers.
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