
that's meThis weBlog has no main subject - it is a collection of things that might interest someone else besides me. There are no rules or goals connected to this site.

My name is Georg Mayer, I was born, raised and lived most of my life in Germany, close to the Alpes. Theresa and Tobias, my two children, still live there with their mother. I try to be with them at least once every month for some days.

Since November 2002 I live in Helsinki, the capital of Finland. As I am frequently on business and private trips, my time in and out of Helsinki is more or less in balance. That does not necessarily mean that that brings me into balance.

I am working at Nokia as a Senior Standardization Specialist in the field of mobile internet communication and convergance. Sounds great, but it's a very normal early 21st century job.

As it should be obvious from the blog, I'm interested in modern literature, rock- and some electronic music and if I am not too lazy to leave my flat, I even ride my bike every now and then when the sun is shining. Besides that I spend too much time on airplanes, in front of the computer, in some local bars and other places with enough gravity to keep me on the ground.

My official mother tongue is German, but every German speaking person can tell you after three words out of my mouth that I am from Bavaria. My English is far from perfect, but sufficient to survive in Finland witouth learning the local language. Due to all this mess this blog is written mostly in English, but there are also some German entries and when you follow the links you might get into further idiom-confusion.

No, I'm not religious, I do not believe in anything and if I sometimes get funny thoughts, I correct myself immediately. So apologies to those of you who are believing in something - some of my comments might hurt you.

The material on this blog is under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerives 2.5 License.

Please feel free to contact me at any time, if you have a question, a comment, the need to greet or to curse somebody.