Lake Espoo and Espoonlahti - or: the Elk Trip 
Monday, 20 .June, 2005, 17:41 - English Entries, Helsinki, Finland, Cycling

I did some smallar cycling trips during the last days, but today I wanted to see more of Espoo, so I started West. You can see the trip from the map below.

The Elk trip

It took me quite long to go through Läppävaara, Kilo and Kauniainen. The map that I use is very good for that region, but there are too many streets and so I had to stop every few minutes and find out which way to go. Still it was beautiful to go there, especially as long parts of the journey went through wood and green.

Close to Bemböle is a big street crossing - it must be a festival for highways. There is also a Kahvila (Cafe) close to the crossing, but somehow it manages that to give you a quiet atmosphere, even when sitting outside, eating a sandwich and drinking a beer, as I did.

After that break I went around Lake Espoo, which I did not see too much of. The road went through the woods and gave me the joy of hills nearly all the way - which was really fun. Besides trees there are also golf courses in that area. Most likely they breed them there and lots of people with "handicaps" too. That is not an insult! A handicap means something different in Golf-language, but don't ask me what. I know some golfers, they are good people and I always wonder how they could end up with that sport.

Lake Espoo

There is a little beach at Oittaa and they also have a Kahvila there, which I can very much recommend. I took half a liter of water, coffee and a chees cake and did not believe the lady when she said "Kolme E-uro" (that's three Euro). It was really true. Ok, the chees cake was not too big, but it was good. Besides that the beach is small and there are only normal people and children - nobody tries to show off. I sat on a wooden terrass in the sun and planned the next moves.

Down to Espoon Keskus where I lost my way, as the merciless map shows. But only for a few minutes, then back on track to the Southern part of Espoo. Shortly after Espoon Keskus is a large park area that is worth seeing. Most of it is wood, there are some lakes and meadows with violet flowers, of which I do not know the name (did not even make a picture ... stupid me).

Smaller Lakes on the way

I followed the indications to Espoonlahti, which I should not have done. They lead me to the town center of Espoonlahti and not to the sea. Also this is obvious from the map, as I drove one part twice from West to East (see lower left corner). But I finally made it to the shore. The whole are there reminded me of Tegernsee, a place close to my home town. A lot of not-so-poor people seem to live there, which one can see from the houses and the ships. If you go there, you will understand them - it is again beautiful.

Somehow I feel like I have to apologize for only seeing and talking about beautiful things. Please wait until Winter, then you will read other content here.

In Tapiola

The way back was easy after some food ("Mega Dog" - the Fin-Esso version of a hot dog, don't forget to stress the first syllable of Mega - it is not Meeeega it is _Me_ga) and ice tea it was just like rolling home.

Before I took the bike out of the cellar I was not aware how green Helsinki and Espoo are, although I lived in Espoo for a while and was aware that it is more a collection of settlements with forests and meadows inbetween than a real city. As there are so many recreation areas there are never too many people at one place. It is quite easy to find a smaller lake where you can sit alone for a while. After that while it seems strange that only several hundred meters away are the two biggest cities of Finland.

Now look a the outline of the trip. It looks like an elk or a reindeer. That was not my intention, but somehow my subconcious must have take part in that.

Anybody interested in cycling there together?

One more thing on the mega dog. The guy who gave it to me asked "do you want also the spicy sauce" and usually I say no, but this time I tried it. Daring. The he asked if I want the normal or the spicy sausage and I went for the spicy one as well. Very Daring. The effect was zero. The Finish version of Spicy not only leaves your stomach lining intact (German: Magenschleimhaut), it also does not jump on your tongue. It is the silent (spicy) way of this country.


Wednesday, 13 .April, 2011, 13:19 /
Um, zu lösen jede drohende Katastrophe Art der Rente und Ausgaben planen Unterschied Standort-Administratoren die folgenden berichtet, sie sei erforderlich, um Aktionen erfordern extrem., mbt schuhe auslaufmodelle , neben jeder bestätigt auf etwas : sie wollten. Nur etwa fünfzig Prozent dieser Stadt das Personal war später Teil des anderen Tag angewiesen, von denen auftreten September könnten sie wahrscheinlich von einem Job. Praktisch jede Stadt Abschnitt gilt abgenommen werden. Größer als ein 12 Aufgaben werden ausgelagert wird,, MBT Sandalen Kisumu Damen wie Graffiti Behandlung, der Feuerwehren, die Schaffung und Erhaltung Spur Waschen.
Tuesday, 01 .March, 2011, 12:55 /
Essen 100 bis mbt sandalen 120 g rotem und verarbeitetem Fleisch pro Tag - Dinge wie Salami, Schinken und Wurst - erhöht das Risiko der Entwicklung der Zustand von 20 bis 30%, nach einigen Kommentatoren haben die Frage aufgeworfen, ob die MBT Kimondo Schuhe Herren bürokratischen studies.But Fleischkonsum setzen würde Menschen ein größeres Risiko für Eisenmangel, rotes Fleisch ist eine sehr gute Quelle für iron.Iron Mangel verursacht Anämie, die Müdigkeit und Schwindelanfälle, führt, kann die Entwicklung des Gehirns und führen MBT Kisumu Sadanlen Damen zu Verhaltensstörungen beeinflussen.
Aber einen Bericht des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats mbt kisumu am Nutritionsays wenn Erwachsene wieder zu 70g von rotem Fleisch schneiden einen Tag, gäbe es nicht viel Einfluss auf die Zahl der Personen mit geringer Eisenzufuhr werden. Einige Experten jedoch sagen, dass die Beratung sollte zwischen rotem MBT Kisumu Sadanlen Herren und verarbeitetem Fleisch, das Denken auf eine höhere Darmkrebs Risiko tragen zu unterscheiden. Der World Cancer Research Fund berät Vermeidung verarbeitetem Fleisch überhaupt.

Tuesday, 01 .March, 2011, 12:55 /
Gesundheit adviceNew mbt fora Beratung empfiehlt essen nicht mehr als 70g pro Tag - das entspricht drei Speckstreifen oder zwei Würstchen. Experten sagen, Tausende von Darmkrebs Todesfälle vermieden werden könnten jedes Jahr, wenn die Menschen gehalten, um die neuen Grenzen. Berater des MBT Kaya Schuhe Damen Department of Health in England sagen, dass die Beschränkungen nicht stellen Menschen dem Risiko von Eisenmangel. Darmkrebs ist die dritthäufigste Krebserkrankung in Deutschland - über 36.000 Menschen werden jedes Jahr diagnostiziert, und 16.500 MBT Kaya Schuhe Damen sterben
Essen 100 bis mbt sandalen 120 g rotem und verarbeitetem Fleisch pro Tag - Dinge wie Salami, Schinken und Wurst - erhöht das Risiko der Entwicklung der Zustand von 20 bis 30%, nach einigen Kommentatoren haben die Frage aufgeworfen, ob die MBT Kimondo Schuhe Herren bürokratischen studies.But Fleischkonsum setzen würde Menschen ein größeres Risiko für Eisenmangel, rotes Fleisch ist eine sehr gute Quelle für iron.Iron Mangel verursacht Anämie, die Müdigkeit und Schwindelanfälle, führt, kann die Entwicklung des Gehirns und führen MBT Kisumu Sadanlen Damen zu Verhaltensstörungen beeinflussen.

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