and deliver us from evil 
Wednesday, 07 .June, 2006, 09:04 - English Entries, Comedy, Germany, Politics, Religion

Iron Maiden: The Number of the Beast
(bad quality video)
Yesterday was June the 6th 2006, which can be written as 6.6.6. The "Book of Revelation", the last part of the Bible, names this sequence of digits as "The Number of the Beast", that means it represents the devil. Some peopole see in this much more than just a number - they think it is a true symbol, i.e. writing down or mentioning it would automatically evoke evil.

First of all: I like legends and symbols, there is usually a lot of inspiration coming from them. Just think of the Greek gods and their adventures. 666 was used in the 20th century on several occasions to provoke the superstitious and conservative parts of society, to indicate the departure of more liberal-minded elements from traditional values.

Stoiber in an Interview
You don't need to speak German to understand this.
What happend yesterday? The news were filled with two things: Satanists spilling blood over their body and dancing naked in the woods to celebrate their lord of evil - and Christians praying to avoid the worst and to save the world just once again by kneeling down and folding hands. My thanks and blessings go to both camps. Mankind made it to the next day and nothing has changed - so their efforts were successful. I don't want to know what would have happend if they would not have cared so much for all of us.

In the South-Eastern part of Germany nevertheless they took an extra effort to rescue the last remains of moral and fear of God. Mr. Stoiber, the great leader of the Christian Socialist Union (CSU) and adored prime minister of the Republic of Bavaria invited other great minds - the leaders of religious groups in Germany - to a summit on how to protect religious views and symbols from being laughed at. Two reasons for the summit that were officially mentioned were the Muhammed cartoons and the TV-series Popetown, which both brought up understandable rage among many believers. Stoiber's goal is to change German criminal law in order to put criticism and humour in the right place: behind bars.

Stoiber's famous speech "10 Minuten"
The Western World is one of the worst places to live in. Everybody can freely utter their opinion. Women are allowed to vote and some of them have even been seen in parliament. Scientists can research things that make the existence of a higher being less and less necessary. Children grow up without reading the Bible. Some people seem to even have sexual intercourse before they marry. What a misery we have created here.

Therefore I want to also thank those who participated yesterday in Stoiber's summit. I understand now that we have to protect and take special care of people who belive in numerology, Satan and the CSU.

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mbt schuhe  
Friday, 15 .April, 2011, 13:47 /
"Obwohl sie Sinn wird ziemlich zart und verletzlich, wird sie bekommen haben - innerhalb eines Eindruck: präsentierte mehrere Leichtigkeit und Komfort, eine Menge Menschen, die möglicherweise anhaltende wird während ruhigen plus wahrscheinlich das Gefühl viel Sorge", fügte er inbegriffen. Herr Davies erwähnt dieses Problem möglicherweise könnte die gleiche aktiviert werden, indem Sie einfach einen Bereich von Elementen knowning, dass absolut keine individuelle Situation war., mbt sandalen ema Damen Ihr Hund erklärt die tatsächlichen Filmstar wurde oftimes gut präsentiert werden Arzneimittel wie beispielsweise die Kommunikation Beratung, anerkannt sehen, dass schrittweise wirksam bei der Veranstaltung mit schweren psychischen Erkrankungen. In Bezug auf die 1% der menschlichen Bevölkerung ist von bipolaren Erkrankung leiden. Alun Thomas von der walisischen psychische Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden gemeinnützige Hafal behauptete: "Die wichtigste Abschnitt dieses besondere Ankündigung ist Catherine bietet Hilfe erwünscht ist." Viele Bereiche des Medien Sensationen folgenden aber ich denke doch absolut notwendig, um die Probleme zu diskutieren und empfindlich erhöhen Anerkennung. "Viele inspirierende zusammen mit Prominenten sind eigentlich klinisch bestimmt mit bipolaren Problem ... es gibt mehrere Leute in die Existenz. Geschleppt haben kann und getan werden äußerst produktiv in ihrem Leben", MBT Schuhe , kurz nachdem der Mann der Frau war klinisch bestimmt mit Krebs Bösartigkeit, ergab die besondere Berühmtheit des Mädchens wurde "wütend" von die Ärzte nicht Alkoholismus zurück zu identifizieren.

Tuesday, 20 .June, 2006, 22:09 /
I will be in Finland begining second week of August. If I'm lucky it'll be for three weeks. If you aren't jetsetting around this little planet of ours we should definately meet up.
Tuesday, 13 .June, 2006, 12:40 /
So the understanding that I start to gain is that we will have to meet and have to drink several beers to gain further understanding on this issue. When and where?
Monday, 12 .June, 2006, 19:55 /
I'll buy you a beer just for writing a brilliant post. Hit the nail on the head, or should I say on to the cross.
Friday, 09 .June, 2006, 05:59 /
Just lost a beer. But learned more about German Philosophy. Thanks & Cheers!
Friday, 09 .June, 2006, 02:58
'In Christianity neither morality nor religion come into contact with reality at any point.' I'll buy you a beer if you can tell me who said that (without looking it up).

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