Moving in - Status Update 
Wednesday, 27 .August, 2008, 22:43 - English Entries, Thoughts
This year I will make enough miles to get my Lufthansa gold card again, but that is nothing compared to the Ikea platinum status I soon will get. I am drowning in cardboard waste (the stuff that Ikea furniture is wrapped in) and wait for UN forces to carry them down in order keep peace in my new flat.

During the weekend a good friend a colleague from Norway visited me and we put up some stuff that I could not manage alone. It was raining, so I did not have to feel bad, that he did not see much of Vienna.

And tomorrow my stuff will finally arrive from Helsinki. Oh I look forward to my bed. I bought it in January in Espoo (Ikea, of course) and it is the best bed I ever had. It is ok to sleep in Hotels during travels, but it is not ok to sleep on a sofa at home.

Besides all that I am now the owner of a drilling machine and feel even more like a real man than I anyhow do since I am five. I also own a ventilator now and the most comfortable office chair that one (at Ikea) could think of.

Next Wednesday I will get my DSL connection (so far I am connected via my mobile phone) - so I gain back my humanity. And from Sunday to Thursday my daughter will visit me. Well, actually (I have to tell this), she (15 years old) visits Vienna with her boyfriend. I am only the sleeping location for her. Children become people, the wise man said.

Greetings from Vienna

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